The cake is named not directly after the Black Forest (Schwarzwald) mountain range in south-western Germany but rather from the specialty liquor of that region, known as Schwarzwälder Kirsch(wasser) and distilled from tart cherries. This is the ingredient, with its distinctive cherry pit flavor and alcoholic content, that gives the cake a special kick. Cherries, cream, and Kirschwasser were first combined in the form of a dessert in which cooked cherries were served with cream and Kirschwasser, while a cake combining cherries, biscuit and cream (but without Kirschwasser) probably originated in Germany.Today, the Swiss canton of Zug is world-renowned for its Zuger Kirschtorte, a biscuit-based cake which formerly contained no Kirschwasser. A version from the canton of Basel also exists. The confectioner Josef Keller (1887–1981) claimed to have invented Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte in its present form in 1915 at the then prominent Café Agner in Bad Godesberg, now a suburb of Bonn about 500 km north of the Black Forest. This claim, however, has never been substantiated.[3]
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte was first mentioned in writing in 1934.[4] At the time it was particularly associated with Berlin but was also available from high-class confectioners in other German, Austrian, and Swiss cities. In 1949 it took 13th place in a list of best-known German cakes, and since that time Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte has become world-renowned.[5]
[edit] Swedish "Black Forest cake"
A Swedish cake called Schwarzwaldtårta is related to the traditional Black Forest cake only by name. It consists of layers of meringue with whipped cream in between. The whole cake is also covered with whipped cream and decorated with chocolate.Bahan Bolu:
6 butir telur ayam
150 g gula pasir halus
100 g mentega, lelehkan
125 g tepung terigu
25 g cokelat bubuk
1/2 sdt baking powder
1 kaleng (480 g) ceri hitam
2 sdt tepung maizena
2 bungkus @250 g krim bubuk
250 ml susu cair dingin
3 sdm rum/kirsch
2 batang @ 250 g cokelat masak pekat/dark cooking chocolate
10 buah manisan ceri merah
Cara membuat:
# Siapkan loyang bundar 20 cm, semir margarin dan taburi sedikit tepung terigu.
# Panaskan oven hingga bersuhu 180 C.
# Bolu: Kocok telur dan gula hingga kental dan mengembang.
# Masukkan campuran tepung terigu secara bertahap, bergantian dengan mentega leleh sambil aduk rata.
# Tuangkan dalam loyang, ratakan.
# Panggang dalam oven panas selama 35 menit hingga matang. Angkat dan dinginkan.
# Olesan: Tiriskan buah ceri, belah menjadi masing-masing dua. Sisihkan airnya.
# Jerangkan airnya di atas api kecil hingga panas. Larutkan tepung maizena dalam air ceri, aduk rata.
# Tuangkan ke dalam air ceri, masak hingga mendidih dan kental.
# Masukkan ceri hitam, aduk rata. Angkat.
# Campur krim bubuk dengan susu dingin. Kocok hingga kaku. Sisihkan.
# Serut kasar cokelat masak dan sisihkan.
# Penyelesaian: Belah cake membujur menjadi 3 bagian yang sama.
# Perciki masing-masing dengan rum/kirsch. Olesi salah satu permukaannya dengan sebagian adonan ceri hitam.
# Tumpuk dengan satu potong kue. Olesi bagian atasnya dengan sisa adonan ceri hitam. Tutup dengan satu potong kue.
# Olesi semua sisinya dengan krim kocok. Tutup keliling sisinya dengan cokelat serut sambil tekan-tekan hingga merekat.
# Semprotkan sisa krim kocok bentuk hias pada permukaan kue. Hiasi dengan manisan ceri merah dan cokelat serut.
# Simpan selama 3 jam dalam lemari es. Potong-potong dan sajikan.
Untuk 12 potong